Camping reservations can be made up to 9 months in advance. Sites become available at the 9-month window at the following times:
March 15 - Labor Day: 8AM Monday - Friday, 9AM Saturday & Sunday.
Day after Labor Day - March 14: 9AM Monday - Friday, 9AM Saturday & Sunday.
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ALLEGANY STATE PARKStatus: Open through Wed Dec 31 2025 Season Dates
Max Reservation Window: Sat Dec 13 2025 Site, Loop:001G, Fancher Cottage Loop
Type: Cottage
Please enter arrival date
Site Details:
Alerts and Important Information SitePLEASE NOTE: Permits for all cabin, campsite, and cottage reservations are non-transferable. Only the Primary Occupant listed on the reservation will be permitted to check in. Pets are NOT permitted in this cottage. The only cottages that permit pets are Pitt, Fancher E, and Parallel 1 and 2. NotesSiteNO tents, campers or mobile homes allowed in cabin, cottage, or group camp areas. ACCESS PASS AND LIFETIME LIBERTY PASS NOT ACCEPTED FOR THE COTTAGES. Bathroom with shower, electric refrigerator, gas cook stove, microwave oven, furniture, pillows, bedding, cooking utensils, dishes, etc. There are 2 bedrooms, a main room and kitchen. For sleeping, there is 1 full size bed, 2 twin beds and 2 roll-a-way beds. Picnic table and grill outside cottage. Fancher Cottages are located in the Quacker Run Area about a 1/2 mile from the rental office. No subletting substitutions or registering for others will be permitted. Only two vehicles can be parked overight on the cottage site. Renters must leave their cottage and surrounding area clean and orderly. ** Arrival dates earlier than the online-reservation-window may also be available at the facility. 001G, Fancher Cottage Loop |